Books by D L Cooper

Not in Kansas Anymore! With a deafening shriek he took to the air crossing over the creek straight for them. “Bows!” shouted the baron in command as the three knights dismounted again to make a stand against the monster’s onset. What happens when fiction strays into fantasy? Join the knights and ladies of Winsloe upon a path to another world. A series of adventures await them through which they learn about life, love and themselves. Mythical creatures and magical characters challenge their skills as well as their sensibilities. Honor becomes hazy. Fidelity… Read more...

“Buy a lady a drink, sailor?” a familiar voice spoke up behind me. I spun around and there she was, laughing as she threw her arms around my neck.
“Good God, woman!” I gasped. “I thought I’d never see you again. Anita! Jesus! What are you doing here?” I enveloped her in a bear hug, I was so damn fired up to see her. She melded to me. We were locked for a moment, then she pushed me back, holding me at arm’s length, studying my face. She grazed the bandage on my cheek with her fingertips.
“Are you all right? Was it bad?” Anita asked softly, seriously.
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An Identity Odyssey
On political assignment overseas, a traumatic experience enmeshes an investigative reporter in a past life in which she was a Spartan warrior of Ancient Greece. While the ancient culture was more sex-positive, it was also more male-dominated. The perspectives, experiences, and skills of the modern and the ancient, the woman and the man, carry them through a series of adventures.